- In sawmills or furniture plants, managing woodchips, sawdust, and potentially explosive dusts is essential due to cutting, drilling, and sanding processes generating airborne particles. The Air Cleaning Blower™ (ACB) offers a tailored solution, removing dust, pollen, and other particles from dusty and corrosive environments without relying on clogging filters.

Operating similarly to a standard fan, the ACB draws in dirty air laden with dust. Its patented impeller then separates particles from the air using their momentum, ejecting debris back into the source area. This prevents dust from escaping, such as from a conveyor loading a silo. Meanwhile, the ACB expels clean air where needed, all without filter maintenance or replacement, crucial for environments with explosive dust risks.
Control the excess sawdust in the air that falls onto surfaces or inhaled by workers, either at the point of need or throughout the facility
Remove mist and rain to keep wood inside dry from humidity and improve the quality of painting, varnishing and applying other finishes and adhesives
Pressurizing and/or ventilating with clean air electrical enclosures, motor control centers, transformers, and switchgear to keep out dust and help prevent overheating and even fires
Pressurizing offices with clean air to keep out dust
Ventilating data centers to reduce use of air conditioning
Ventilating and pressurizing operators’ cabins on equipment and elsewhere
Removing dust in the air for employees to breathe easier
Supplying air compressors with clean air
Controlling dust at loading and unloading points for trucks, rail cars and ships
- Another significant feature of ACBs is their capability to remove rain, mist, and snow from the air, aiding in maintaining dry air conditions. This not only reduces the burden on air conditioning, refrigeration, or dehumidifying equipment but also ensures surfaces and coatings remain dry, facilitating higher-quality varnish and paint finishes. Additionally, since ACBs lack filter media to trap rain or snow, there is no risk of components becoming wet or freezing, which could obstruct airflow.
- Independently tested by an internationally recognized filter-testing laboratory, ACBs have demonstrated outstanding effectiveness in removing airborne dust and particles. Test results indicate they remove over 98% of dust and particles, including virtually all particles larger than 10 microns and about 40% of those down to 3 microns. This level of effectiveness exceeds that of most air-conditioning systems, and in typical scenarios, it would take months for enough dust to accumulate to create an insulating blanket that could lead to motor or electric box overheating.
- Originally designed for rugged environments like steel, mining, and fertilizer plants, the Air Cleaning Blower™ (ACB) is versatile and suitable for various woodworking or manufacturing facilities, including those handling explosive dusts. Their effectiveness is evidenced by their use by the US Military in the Middle East to maintain cooling during sandstorms.
- ACBs can be adapted for use in hazardous environments and are compliant with NEC code requirements. They can be configured for Class I Groups B, C, and D Division/Zone 1 or 2, Class II Groups E, F, and G Division/Zone 1 or 2, and Class III Divisions 1 or 2, ensuring safe operation even in environments with hazardous solvents and dust concentrations.